Mission: Armenia 2022 – Days 1 to 7
Pastor Joseph has been in Armenia for a full week (he arrived on August 11), and it was a full week! Since he doesn’t have someone with him to write daily reports, we will provide weekly summaries of his activities, along with a compilation of photos taken by him or our ministry partners in Yerevan. Here’s what’s happened so far:
Day 1 – Arrival, settling in, some visits with cousins, friends, and ministry partners.
Day 2 – Met with the actors recording the audio version of Pastor Joseph’s book, God’s Workshop, in Armenian. One of them is a well-known actor. Our team was able to share the gospel with them.
Day 3 – Attended the dedication of the new Armenian Christian Mission (ACM) Center (with Pastor Hratsh of Australia) and other mission trip-related activities.
Day 4 – Worship and ministry in Horom (Pastor Tigran’s church) and Vanadzor (with Suzanna).
Day 5 – Visitations in multiple homes in Davitashen (with Gayane and Samvel), sharing the gospel and literature.
Day 6 – Visitations in Yerevan and a few villages (with Arayik), ministering to sick and struggling families.
Day 7 – Purchase and assembling of school supplies for children in Horom as well as visitations at the home of an elderly woman and at two hospitals (with Emma and Arayik), sharing the gospel with patients and a doctor. The husband of one of the nurses will be among those being baptized next week.
You can view our photo album of this year’s mission trip HERE.
Please pray for the coming two weeks, particularly for an evangelistic meeting Pastor Joseph will be speaking at on Thursday evening (August 18) and the baptismal service scheduled for August 24.
Pastor Joseph expresses his gratitude for everyone’s prayers. All those he is meeting with send their greetings and thanks for our donors’ support.