By God’s grace, we completed our last day of ministry in Armenia for this year! We had a long day—two churches services in different parts of the city and two visitations in eight hours—but we feel blessed by all the opportunities we had for worship, fellowship, teaching, and encouraging. Pastor Joseph was urged to speak at both services on the same topic he preached about last Sunday: Running the Race. It’s a message all believers need to hear.

We did one visitation en route to the afternoon service, in response to an urgent plea to pray with a family going through a hard time, and the second visit was on our way back to the hotel, when we dropped by someone’s workplace to give some words of encouragement.

We are here for one more full day and will probably have a couple more brief meetings but mostly we’ll be preparing our suitcases for the journey home and trying to rest, so this will be our last report. Once we’re settled in back home, we’ll organize our photos into a slide show for those who may be interested.

Once again, we appreciate your prayers over the past three weeks and ask that you hang in there with us for the next 48 hours. We look forward to returning home but will definitely miss our beloved friends here.