Day 03 of Mission: Armenia 2017

In the morning we met with a friend here who often serves as a bridge through which we can reach people in need in Armenia. She will try to connect us with a few families we may be able to encourage during our stay. We had a lunch of lahmajoun (a sort of pizza that is a favourite among Armenians) and had a peek at how it’s made. Then Pastor Joseph sorted through some of the donations we received (reading glasses, medication, etc.) so that we can start to distribute them to the appropriate groups. 

Whenever Pastor Joseph starts praying about returning to Armenia, he wonders whether he and our mission team will be useful and effective in our outreach. And then, while we’re on the field, something happens that brings it all together and reassures us that God did indeed lead us here. Tonight we had such an experience.

We visited a local pastor’s home and there we were blessed to meet a dear lady who had heard about Jesus many times before but had hesitated to make a commitment to follow Him. Pastor Joseph shared with her again, as simply as he could, about God’s love, about eternity, about Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sins, about the forgiveness and peace we receive when we repent and choose to live for Christ. Before we left, this woman humbly asked that Pastor Joseph pray for her to be saved. With quiet tears, she invited Jesus into her heart and was saved. What a holy moment! We ask you to pray for this precious new believer.

Earlier in the evening, much like our experience last night, our host received a phone call from a woman who has read Pastor Joseph’s book, God’s Workshop, and had a question. The two pastors took some time to help her and give her some biblical direction.

We also enjoyed a sweet moment after dinner this evening when one of the pastor’s three granddaughters shared with us a poem she’s learned.