Update from Arayik & Nelli
This excerpt is taken from the December 2011 Temple News.
Pastor Joseph & Arayik |
This excerpt is taken from the December 2011 Temple News.
Pastor Joseph & Arayik |
Khor Virap Monastery |
As you know, about 60,000 tracts have been printed and distributed and we are now nearing the completion of having Pastor Joseph Hovsepian’s book, God’s Workshop, translated into Eastern Armenian. Once that is done, 5,000 copies will be printed and given out freely in Armenia, Iran and other surrounding countries with Armenian communities.
It will cost about $12,000 to produce these books (including translation, editing, design, printing, etc.) but the books will not be sold because most of the people who will receive a copy cannot afford to buy literature and we want the books to reach as many people as possible, without placeing a potential limitation in their way.
If you would like to help with this expense, you can make a special donation and designate it as “Armenia: Books”. To all those who sponsor this project, Project Joseph would like to offer a copy of the DVD about the mission trip to Armenia.
A video of our trip to Armenia is available for you to view and share with others.
By Pastor Joseph Hovsepian
For Pastor Joseph the pulpit is not the only tool in God’s Workshop. This devotional book brings together years of insight gained and shared from Pastor Joseph’s full-time business, his church work and radio ministry.
While in Armenia it was suggested that the book be translated into Eastern Armenian. The wheels started to turn and inquiries were made about translators and printers. This is a book that can be used as a witnessing tool and for pastors to study.
At the home of a Christian brother Pastor Joseph met a member of the local Campus Crusade for Christ International staff, Artur Mantashian. Pastor Joseph gave a copy of the book to Artur and the conversation turned to the translation and printing of God’s Workshop. Artur suggested that CCCI translators work on the book and for CCCI to then print the book.
This is how God works. Things are always better in God’s time.
As I write this the translators have made huge progress and it is so exciting to see this project take off so quickly.
If you are interested in making a contribution to the cost of translation, printing and distribution of this book you can do so through Donations Canada.
The cost of translating and printing one book is about $5.00 CDN.
Before heading to Armenia, dad sent a shipment of tracts and we packed a few hundred into our suitcases to take with us. When we arrived we were told that the shipment of tracts they had received were gone, handed out to the many hungry souls.
The decision was made that a local printer would be used to print Eastern Armenian tracts to eliminate the cost of shipping and instead use that money to print more tracts. Dad and Araik met with a local a printer and spent several hours proof reading and going over the samples that were produced. The print house was very accomodating and very easy to work with. God was in this plan.
The first printing is done and the tracts are in the hands of the local missionaries and pastors. Praise God!
Please pray for these amazing projects in Armenia. They are hungry to learn. They are searching for the truth.
Makes you stop and think doesn’t it?
Araik rejoiced for 150 Bibles he received. He now will be able to give Bibles to those he speaks to in his mission work. |
Each of the 24 who were baptised received a Bible.
They opened them as though they were treasure chests and |
A Bible is an expensive item for the average Armenian. |
They are captivated by the Word of God. Hungering to hear the truth. |
The life line for someone who is hurting. |
The energizer for those who are tired. |
A Pastor who has dedicated his life to ministry but has no Bibles to give away. His voice still rings in my ears as he thanked us for a donation of 150 Bibles to gift to others. |
It’s been a week since we got back home to Montreal and I am still having trouble slowing things down in my mind. It doesn’t help that there is a full docket of work to be done but even at night images and thoughts are whirling around in my head.
People I met and who left a lasting impression. New friends and family that I miss even though our time together was so short. Sights and smells that are as fresh as the day I experienced them.
Though when I sit down and try to pin point what is really bothering me I keep coming up with only one thing. That ‘my’ people have hardened their hearts to the truth that is being put in front of them.
This nation that was the first to adopt Christianity as their official state religion cannot see past their noses (yes, some of those noses are long… LOL) at what can fill the huge void in their lives. It’s not more jobs, even though jobs would help support families. It’s not a new government, even though the corruption of the government has been adding to the frustration of the people. It’s not more money from the outside, even though money would definitely put food on the table and smooth the crease of worry from their foreheads. It’s simply accepting the free gift of salvation that God sent through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ His Son.
It’s simple. It’s free. It’s life changing. It’s right there for the taking.
Hearts hard as the majestic mountains and rocks of this ancient country.
Keep in your prayers the missionaries that daily are out there spreading this wonderful message.
With the dawning of our last day in Armenia I had mixed emotions. I had missed my children and wanted to get back to them but the people of Armenia had captured my heart and I knew that a piece of it would remain behind with them.
Sunday morning was almost like every other Sunday for us. We prepared for church and walked over to the church just as we do in Montreal. Somethings just don’t change with the Hovsepians.
Dad spoke at the Armenian Brotherhood Church of Yerevan for the last time on this trip. Notice how I gently worked that in – the brothers and sisters in Armenia have repeatedly asked for another visit and soon. They crave to be fed and they have so many questions to ask. They hunger for the truth and to learn more.
Dad and Pastor Hovhannes doing their pre-service preparations |
Pastor Hovhannes leading the worship. He has the gift of leadership |
Vartouhi dad’s cousin from PA |
Levon, Vartouhi’s husband |
Three cousins together |
100 Bibles ready to be distributed |
Students taking the exam. |
Dad teaching his course “The Price” |
Refreshments during the break |
The students are men and women, young and old. |
Dad’s lesson “The Price” was well received with many questions during the Q&A time. The lesson can be heard on Vimeo in Armenian.
Home #1 |
Home #2 |
Home #2 |