2014 – Catching Up

We haven’t updated our blog since last summer’s mission trip but we’ve been posting regular reports on our Facebook page. As we prepare to return to Armenia on August 12, we thought it was time to reactivate this blog and bring you all up to date on what Joseph Hovsepian Ministries has been doing.

We sent out a newsletter in the spring, which covers some of our main projects since last summer. You can download and read the PDF here.

As you’ll see in the newsletter, the highlight of our year has been the rebuilding of a small church in Horom, a village that’s a couple of hours from Yerevan. A building that was in a shambles last summer now has a secure roof and proper flooring, solid doors and windows, a few new rooms (interior walls were built), lighting (electricity was connected), fresh landscaping, new tables and chairs and even new hymnbooks. The congregation in Horom joyfully celebrated this renewal with a dedication service on Sunday, July 27.

You can view all the photos of this transformation in our Facebook photo album about Horom.

One of the blessings we never anticipated as a result of this project is that several families gained employment from the construction work and earned income that will help them live for several months. Praise the Lord!

We (Pastor Joseph Hovsepian and his daughter Ann-Margret) leave Montreal on August 12 and will return, God willing, on September 4. Please pray that the Lord will guide and strengthen us in the daily tasks He gives us to do while we are there, whether it is preaching, baptizing, praying with individuals, comforting families or lending a helping hand.

Please stay tuned for further praise reports and prayer requests!