God’s Workshop
For Pastor Joseph the pulpit is not the only tool in God’s Workshop. This devotional book brings together years of insight gained and shared from Pastor Joseph’s full-time business, his church work and radio ministry.
While in Armenia it was suggested that the book be translated into Eastern Armenian. The wheels started to turn and inquiries were made about translators and printers. This is a book that can be used as a witnessing tool and for pastors to study.
At the home of a Christian brother Pastor Joseph met a member of the local Campus Crusade for Christ International staff, Artur Mantashian. Pastor Joseph gave a copy of the book to Artur and the conversation turned to the translation and printing of God’s Workshop. Artur suggested that CCCI translators work on the book and for CCCI to then print the book.
This is how God works. Things are always better in God’s time.
As I write this the translators have made huge progress and it is so exciting to see this project take off so quickly.
If you are interested in making a contribution to the cost of translation, printing and distribution of this book you can do so through Donations Canada.
The cost of translating and printing one book is about $5.00 CDN.